Wanting to slowly re-do my office-studio, using what I have. But, that means clearing and cleaning! These paintings below were put aside back in 2014 to 2016 (ten… ten years ago ) These are all larger paintings. Horses, Matt Belamy from Muse, Hiroyuki Sanada in his Helix role (loved that…
Historical and Heroic Dogs , the Kickstarter campaign, has ended successfully!!! I’m so, so happy to have this project fund and to be able to have it available for those who are into dogs. As someone who is now owned by two sausage dogs (and loves cats, and used to…
Long Dog Project Update
Not been showing much as I’ve been busy plotting, planning, sketching, counting, calculating, mind-changing, quitting, re-starting… 😂 I’m a teensy bit late (waaay late) with commissions. They are ALL, however, underway. A few small and mid-size paintings are also in the sketched stage, and I can’t wait to show those!…
Star Wars Annual Painted Cover
It’s been a while since I painted Star Wars so I tried a composition of my own on a blank cover, and also tried to challenge myself NOT to use any while paint at all. Not one single drop. The closest I came is using Titanium Buff. Nearly a week…
UFO Update 6
Declassified Update 5!
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ingridkvhardy/ufo-legend-and-lore?ref=53mso1
UFO Showcase 4
Base card 4 from Ingrid Hardy and base card 45 from Leg Day Cards, and artist feature Jenni Gregory – @jennigregory on Instagram. Link to the campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ingridkvhardy/ufo-legend-and-lore?ref=53mso1 #longdogcards #legdaycards #ufo #ufotradingcards #sketchcards #promocards #lenticularcard #reliccard #tektite #tektiterelic #etching #linocut #linocutcards #metalcard #custommetalcard #acryliccards #watercolor #kittyeerie
UFO Update 1